Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prepositions Unit (...the box)


This is a short unit on prepositions and will teach students what a preposition is, how to locate one in a sentence, and how to correctly use prepositions. The unit centers around children's books and culminates with the students performing their own skit based on the children's books read in class, using prepositions, for the class.


5. Of course, you could skip the whole presentation part and just read the two children's books and call it good--that would be 1 to 2 days. It depends on how much time you have.


1. Students will be able to define "preposition."
2. Students will be able to locate prepositions in a sentence.
3. Students will be able to correctly use prepositions in a sentence.

Cross Curricular:

1. Students may use knowledge gained in other classes as a basis for their presentation at the end of the unit. (So, no, not really.)

Unit Outline:

Day 1: Introduction
Begin with defining what a preposition is and giving students a few examples. Read Inside, Outside, Upside Down by Stan and Jan Bernstein to students. As a class, underline the prepositions in the book (be careful of words that are usually prepositions but that are not used as prepositions). Get out a box and, using the box as a guide, make a list of prepositions on the board (of the box, in the box, by the box, etc.). Give students time to study the list and then play a game of Knock Out (all the students stand and go around the room saying a preposition, students sit when they repeat a preposition or can't think of one. Have the students pass the box around to help them think.)
Homework/Classwork: Complete a review page from the grammar book, preferably one that requires students to identify prepositions.

Day 2: Practice
Review the previous day's homework. Read Go, Dog, Go by P. D. Eastman. As partners, have students underline the prepositions in the book. Review as a class. Assign students to groups of 3 or 4 and assign The Preposition Project. The Preposition Project will be a 2 minute presentation where each group will act out a story using at least 20 prepositions. Each student in the group should speak in the presentation; students should use at least 1 prop; students must submit a type-written copy of their presentation on the due date; the presentation should be cohesive and not just a list of prepositions.
Homework/Classwork: Complete a second review page on prepositions from the grammar book., preferably one that requires students to use prepositions.

Day 3: Practice
Review the previous day's homework. Allow students time to work on their presentations. Play
Knock Out to review.
Homework/Classwork: Work on The Preposition Project.

Day 4: Work
Read a short article from the newspaper or elsewhere. Have students work independently to locate all the prepositions. Review as a class. Allow students to work on their presentations.
Homework/Classwork: Work on The Preposition Project.

Day 5: Presentations
Have each group present. At the end of the presentations, pass out a short quiz that requires students to define what a preposition is; to locate several prepositions in sentences; and to write sentences using prepositions.

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