Friday, December 4, 2009

Writing a Short Story/Children's Story Unit


This unit is designed to follow directly after or overlap with a unit on reading short stories. Overlapping it with the end of a unit on short stories would allow for the writing and reading to be done every other day. When students start this unit they should be familiar with setting, characterization, and the elements of plot. Ideally, students will also be familiar with literary devices such as alliteration, consonance, rhyme, rhyme scheme, various types of rhymes and other techniques common in children's literature.

Days: More or less 13. I allow for most of the writing to be done in class, but the unit could be shortened considerably if the writing is to be done at home.


1. Students will write a children's story to meet the needs of an elementary school child.
2. Students will read a loud a children's book with emotion.

Cross Curriculum:

Students will create the illustrations for their book and be graded for the illustrations in art class.

Unit Outline:

*Starting with day 3, begin each lesson with a student reading a children's story to the class; more than 1 student may need to read a story each day to allow each student to read a story during the unit.

Day 1: Introduce the unit and project.
Click here for the complete lesson plan in PDF format.
Homework/Classwork: Submit notes on elements of children's books.

Day 2: Field trip to an elementary school for students to meet and interview their audience. Each 8th grade student will write a story for a buddy in elementary school.
Homework/Classwork: Submit an interview sheet for a completion check.

Day 3: Write setting.
Homework/Classwork: Write a 3/4 to 1 page description of the setting of the book the student is writing.

Day 4: Write characters.
Homework/Classwork: Write an 8th grade paragraph (8-10 sentences) describing each of the main characters in the story (1 or 2 characters).

Day 5: Write plot.
Homework/Classwork: Create an outline of the plot of the story.

Day 6: Practice rhyming words.
Homework/Classwork: Begin writing the story.

Day 7: Write.
Homework/Classwork: Continue writing the story.

Day 8: Write.
Homework/Classwork: Continue writing the story.

Day 9: Share stories/revise.
Draft #1 due.
Homework/Classwork: Write a 1 paragraph description of at least 1 change that will be made to the story and why that change is being made.

Day 10: Read published children's books and revise.
Homework/Classwork: Submit notes on elements of children's books and write a 1 paragraph description of at least 1 change that will be made to the story based on the observations made about the published children's books and why that change is being made.

Day 11: Share stories with the class/edit.
Daft #2 due.
Homework/Classwork: Assemble completed story with illustrations into a binder or nice folder.

Day 12: Return to elementary school and present books.
Final due.
Homework/Classwork: Write a 1 paragraph analysis of the story and how the elementary school child liked it. What went well? What didn't?

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